Einige der Links in diesem Artikel sind (unter Umständen) sogenannte Affiliate-Links. The content and operations of this website have not been approved or endorsed by Facebook and/or its affiliated companies. We're giving you the chance to win an Oculus Quest with the help of our…, Join us today for a massive Oculus Quest launch day livestream! Meike Ziesecke Y’know, the wireless standalone headset that everyone seems to want at the moment.
If you are unfamiliar with the idea of the game, we’ll give your memory a quick refresh. Your level of exercise in this game will depend on the tracks and difficulties you chose, but by selecting the right tracks and difficulties for a good 10-15minute session, OhShape can easily become part of your VR workouts.
Die neue Musik-Rhythmus-App OHSHAPE ist für 19,99 Euro im Oculus Quest Store verfügbar. Follow us for the latest Oculus Quest news, reviews, previews, gameplay videos and more! With your track selected you can choose from Easy, Medium and Hard difficulties. OhShape brings a new take on the beat, rhythm music genre on the Quest. Right now, OhShape builds a solid foundation for an alternative to the ever-growing rhythm music genre of games on the Oculus Quest. Patrick verschafft sich einen Überblick über die Funktionen und zeigt euch die Unterschiede […] Auch für Oculus Quest bleibt Beat Saber (Test) der unangefochtene Spitzenreiter unter den Fitness-Games. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Geschichten wie die von Robert Long, der mit Hilfe einer Beat Saber Trainingsroutine über 60 Kilogramm abnahm , motivieren viele VR-Enthusiasten zu einem Lichtschwert-Tanz-Workout. The competition’s available globally. If you didn’t know, OhShape is a mix of VR dancing and human Tetris. This level of customisation continues in OhShape with the added ability to add custom mapped songs into the game. Similar to games like Pistol Whip, in OhShape you have the ability to modify the level’s overall Speed, Accuracy and Master audio track whilst still being able to compete in the higher difficulty mode. This forces you to put your body and arms in shapes to ensure you don’t get taken out by the wall. There is a fairly wide variety of music genres on offer in OhShape.
Februar 2020 Meike Ziesecke Die Zock Stube, Videos 0. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Sadly this isn’t a seamless process of browsing custom created content inside the game. For more VR news and gaming updates, make sure to check back at VRGear.com! It’s a little bit of Beat Saber, a little bit of a Saturday night game show, and promises to be quite a workout. By clicking on the buttons above and buying an item from Amazon, you will help support us by giving us affiliate commission. 7 months ago. Man muss seinen Körper durch die vorgegebenen Formen quetschen um Punkte zu sammeln. We use browser cookies to remember your preferences. Do I need a big room to play OhShape? We recommend a medium area with 3 meters with and 1,5 meters depth.
That alone makes OhShape a decent game for fitness too. If you bought it on Oculus Rift via the Oculus Store, you can pick it up via cross-buy too. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Get ready to throw some shapes in glorious wire-free VR; Odder’s Lab OhShape is offering the chance to win an Oculus Quest! Our VRGear Staff consists of VR Enthusiasts and technology experts. We just tried it out and it works great! This is an exciting time for anyone who has (or hasn’t) played this game. 22.
OhShape comes across as a fairly simple concept but it easily delivers an enjoyable and fun experience with a solid foundation to add so much more. Merkel, Söder und Tschentscher äußern sich zu Corona-Maßnahmen: Pressekonferenz und Q&A mit Experten, Corona-Hotspots in NRW: Laschet erklärt neue Maßnahmen I WDR aktuell, Der Kebekus-Brennpunkt zum Thema "Rassismus", Duell der Vize-Kandidaten: Harris vs. Pence – Wer hat gewonnen?
Die Zock Stube VR – OHSHAPE auf der Quest. Dabei... Donnerstag, 15. Die Musikauswahl ist wieder Elektro-Pop-Lastig. Copyright © 2018 OQPlay.com. Die Zock Stube VR – OHSHAPE auf der Quest. Depending on the track you select, you can get a decent mix of leg and arm workouts, and because it requires additional movement in your overall body, you’ll be working out your core a little too. You are dancing while the walls come at you. This is an exciting time for anyone who has (or hasn’t) played this game.
You can play OhShape on Oculus Rift/Rift S, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive/Cosmos and Index (basically any VR glasses compatible with SteamVR / Oculus). Copyright © 2018 OQPlay.com. -17 Handcrafted maps with 3 difficulty levels -Fun fitness workout -Unlimited songs with custom songs and level editor available -Regular content updates with more songs & features -Competitive leaderboards -New game modes coming soon! One of the benefits of owning an Oculus Quest is how it manages to involve you in its vast growing library of games. Privacy Policy – Site Design & Developed by Biglime. This is a great gift from the devs, as it is game worth $19.99. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Wohin man derzeit noch in Europa reisen kann, Entscheidung im Fall Nawalny: EU sanktioniert auch Putin-Vertrauten, Brexit und Corona als Spaltpilze: Schotten rücken vom Königreich ab, Bund will erweiterte Maskenpflicht und kleinere Feiern, Hohe Schmiergeldzahlungen: Millionenstrafe für weltgrößten Fleischkonzern, Immobilienwirtschaft diskutiert: Geld und ländlicher Raum, Warnstreiks bremsen Nahverkehr in Sachsen aus, Immobilienfinanzierung: Lukratives Geschäft für Vermittler, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P 500: US-Börsen schließen mit Verlusten, Manager FC Augsburg – Reuter: „Drei Länderspiele in kurzer Pause sind Wahnsinn“, US-Open-Finalist Zverev im Tennis-Achtelfinale in Köln, Ulm kassiert zweite Niederlage im Basketball-Eurocup, Frankreich gewinnt gegen Kroatien – England unterliegt Dänen, DFB: Jonas Hector aus Nationalmannschaft zurückgetreten – FUSSBALL NATIONALMANNSCHAFT, Mode-Foto der finnischen Regierungschefin Sanna Marin löst Diskussion aus, Jesse Katayama darf alleine in die Inkastadt, Arbeiten und Leben mit Corona: Die Front verläuft jetzt durch die eigene Wohnung. By moving your arms, head, and legs, you’re sure to work up a sweat. They come from diverse backgrounds including broadcast and web journalism, software development, and intellectual property law.
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