Cristina: Because I grew up in Beverley Hills. Cristina: Not to mention he'll never be able to have sex again. Next Richard then walks away. As Lucas looks down the bar, he sees a woman smiling at him, he goes to see her and they start flirting with each other. The interns are getting their scrubs on. Meredith talks to an intern who wants to become her roommate, but Meredith doesn't think the intern is the right fit and says no. He tries to flirt with her but Izzie knows he is drunk. Meredith asks some interns what their favorite 80s group is. Artist. (Meredith stares at him for a second, drops her folders and kisses him. Alex, don't say it. Cut to Meredith looking at the rape victim. "The First Cut Is The Deepest" The finish line at the end of residency, waiting in line for a chance at the operating table, and then, there's the most important line. Izzie: (smiling) Yes. The deal is that he buys the dealership and would be a silent partner with Keith. She continues to speak Chinese, but Izzie doesn't say anything. Artist Richard comes in and says that he heard Meredith's mother is leaving Mayo, and she explains that her mother is just taking a break. A few minutes later, Izzie is examining it with a penlight. She tells him that all the time they were together she felt inferior to him but by doing this she was stupid. When they get inside, Meredith calls for security and shows Bailey the rapist. She asks where her family is and he says she has none since her parents are both dead and has no siblings. He begins to crack the baby's chest and tells Meredith to scrub in since he'll let her hold the clamp. 3:52. Cristina: Mmm. Charge them to 200, please. Meredith says that she was told to bring the "penis box" to him. Derek: That's all dependent on whether she wakes up in the next 72 hours. The First Cut Is the Deepest features Sheryl in a rocky desert singing with her guitar, riding horses and interacting in a cowboy environment. I do have my mother. Could you excuse us for a second? Do I look happy? Peter Horton Brooke tells Lucas she doesn't even want to be his friend and brands him as a liar and a cheat. She was like, camped out down there. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Meredith: I saw Alison, you can't believe the beating that she took. The Johnson baby is in surgery while Burke explains the procedure to the room. A star studded Haley makes a deal with her, a song per cup of coffee and Sheryl happily agrees. (goes back to get her resident). Having the code team staffed, having the trauma patients answered, having the weekend labs delivered, and having someone down in the Pit, doing the sutures. There's a big line. George begins to give orders and tells a nurse to charge the paddles. Cristina and Alex are giving lab results to a family, who tells the patient that they have a disorder called multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma, it's not a cancerous sarcoma, it's a very rare but minor disease and that they will be discharged that day. Can you just ask her what's wrong? Meredith: What's your favorite 80s group? I'm from New York. Meredith enters the locker room and puts a roommate notice on the bulletin board. Meredith: So the police say that they can't send down the crack crime scene guy for hours. Meredith: Look, I'm sure you're very nice, but I'm very particular about who lives in my house and you're just not right. I don't have all day. Izzie asks Meredith why she puts posters for roommates up but it seems she doesn't want them. She sees Burke. Izzie follows the woman outside. Artist We said last time was the last time. (George and Izzie hug), George: Yes! I'll come back. Another intern walks in. The finish line at the end of residency, waiting in line for a chance at the operating table, and then, there's the most important line. The First Cut Is the Deepest or First Cut Is the Deepest may also refer to: . Meredith went back to the nursery and spoke to the baby's parents about the tet spell. (shocked groans) She bit off his penis. It doesn't help to get too familiar. All medical matter in a rape must stay with the person who collected it, until it's placed in police custody. "The First Cut Is the Deepest" is a song by Cat Stevens, covered by many artists. (we see the other interns are with her) Okay, fine, George and Izzie, you can move into the house. Cast Mrs Lu continues to speak in her language. Airdate Unlike Gavin DeGraw in ". She was taken into surgery, where an object was removed from her abdomen. Meredith: Just sitting here with my penis. This was written by Cat Stevens. It's the day after Brooke and Peyton's argument. Peyton has to leave for Jake while Brooke doesn't know if the two friends will ever get past what she has done to her. He says that Lucas will always have that place on the team but Lucas insists that if he needs to, he will understand if Whitey replaces him on the team. It includes her famous albums The First … Meredith: Yeah...Alison's shoes. I was hoping to assist you in the OR today, maybe do a minor procedure? Meredith: Alison. (takes the mocha latte) No one holds a scalpel until I'm so happy I'm Mary freakin' Poppins. Burke asks Richard why he asked Derek to come to Seattle Grace. One Tree Hill Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Scans revealed a birth defect and Burke told Meredith to book an OR. Peyton tells him only to confuse Jake. Cristina: You have a disorder called multinucleate cell angiohistiocytomum. Boundaries don't keep other people out. If you're willing to take the chance...the view from the other side is spectacular. A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here. Unknown; no label specified Her mother is Ellis Grey. George says at least she's helping people and Alex says at least she's practicing medicine. To make friends. It's going to take me all day to get through these. Brooke and Peyton talk about their problems at the bar. Derek: Tried to? Richard scrubs out of an OR and he tells Burke they have the rapist, but the conversation quickly changes when Burke asks why he can't be Chief and Richard tells him that he only does what is necessary and nothing more. General information Directed by Rape kit came back negative. Peds Intern: Her, the surgical intern who has no business on our service. The rape victim, Alison, her shoes. I-I don't -. You've been doing it without me? Burke raises his eyebrows, looking sorry he asked but thoughtful. Lucas goes to see Whitey. If I was in a coma, they'd all be here. How do we get from there to here? Izzie tells them to come inside, but Ahn refuses since she doesn't have a green card and is afraid she will go to jail. Izzie: No, I don't think so. Video As the rapist is in surgery, Cristina and Meredith talk about Allison and the rapist. Meredith then tells Izzie and George they can move in. Bailey comes in and looks expectant. Meredith says she does, and Cristina interrupts to see that Meredith has a coffee in her hand, which is for Bailey, and calls it out as bribing. Label. Meredith watches babies in the nursery and tells Izzie and George to move in with her. Cristina tries to say she wasn't complaining but Bailey overrides her and says she has an reassigned intern and that Cristina should show him how Bailey does things. One kisses and hugs Cristina. Derek continued to monitor her neuro status during that time. George: Okay, I'm George O'Malley, I'll be running this code. I'd want them here. He tells Derek that he is just competition for Chief of Surgery and walks away. Look, it's not like I'm the Chief of something. Cristina: The results of your labs were clean; the tumor's benign, you can go home today. Nicki says Lucas views life as black and white whereas alot of things are grey. Now Meredith's in there, checking him with a stethoscope. Meredith VO: (to city montage and Izzie/George/Cristina arriving) It's all about lines. (to Ms Lu) I'll help. Bailey: George, you're running the code team, Meredith, take the trauma patients, Cristina, deliver the weekend labs to the patients, Izzie, you're on sutures. George's pager beeps. So I have to spend the night with a penis. As he leaves, Dan compliments Nathan's play to grind on Lucas aswell as sarcastically telling Lucas it was a big plan to pull him out the car so he could make his life hell. Izzie brings Cristina, thinking that she knows Chinese and asks if she could translate for Ms. Lu but Cristina says she is from Beverly Hills and the only Chinese she knows is from a Mr. Chou's menu. I shock a heart and someone lives to see another day. Karen offers Deb a partnership, but Deb resisits as Dan can use it as an excuse in court. And my teacher's teacher. You're an attending. It's okay. Derek storms into the rapist's room and whacks the end of the bed, waking him. Le titre figure sur l'album New Masters sorti en décembre 1967, avec Big Jim Sullivan à la guitare, Herbie Flowers à la basse et Chris Hunt à la batterie. The peds intern says she thought she was right. Derek stands there looking bemused.). Meredith: She's not going to make it, is she? A Hard Day's Night Put her in for a craniotomy. Burke sighs. Cristina and Alex give lab results to multiple patients, and she gets annoyed after being hugged. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Ms Lu sees that Izzie's come over, and the girl shows Izzie her forehead. He says that Keith would pretty much have the same job and when he earns back enough money, he can buy the garage back. • What Is And What Should Never Be • The Leaving Song • The Games That Play Us. Izzie: You're going to need to come back, in five days. After Izzie is all done with suturing for the day, she sees Ms. Lu. Izzie gets to work, the woman speaks, Izzie looks up at her but doesn't know what to do, so she gets back to the arm wound. Peds Intern: His heart surgery is scheduled for the morning. Put a condom in my wallet. No. It's nighttime, and pouring rain. Stop looking at me like that. (Cut to when Cristina asked about the best-intern-surgery.) Alex: - did not reveal any vascular abnormalities. He collapses. It doesn't help to get too familiar. Cut to Derek entering the rapist's room. Everyone raises their hands, except Alex. You'll be discharged today, okay? Cristina: The pig who called Meredith a nurse, yeah. Cristina: Uh-huh. Meredith talks to Cristina in the lobby. Burke allowed Meredith to scrub in and hold a clamp. Jake tells her about how Jenny won't stop crying but he has a wedding coming up and Peyton is asked to babysit, Peyton happily agrees as it will keep her away from everything. The First Cut Is the Deepest This song is by Sheryl Crow and appears on the greatest hits album The Very Best of Sheryl Crow (2003) and on the television soundtrack One Tree Hill (2005). He regrets wanting to know. Izzie: I'm sorry. It's intense...this thing I have for, ah, ferry boats I mean. George's pager beeps and he tells Meredith that it's a code so he leaves. Cristina: We're not going to amputate your leg. Bailey: Why're y'all standing there? Cristina acts fast and shoves Alex into his way. Meredith: Do you know what would happen if anyone knew? She asks how her daughter is as a shocked Jake stares at her. Now. He then collapses and doctors and nurses crowd around him. Ms. Lu says something in Chinese and Izzie asks if she knows any English.
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